1895 – Arthur Looss showed that hookworm entered the body by way of the skin

Arthur Looss was sent by Rudolf Leuckart to Egypt to study the transmission of bilharzia, where he became accidentally infected with hookworm, and in so doing discovered the method by which the larvae penetrate the skin. He spilt some larval culture onto his hand in 1896, while dropping it into the mouths of guinea pigs; observing the irritation this caused to his skin,…

1894 – First Health Diagnostic Bacteriological Laboratory in the United States.

The Louisiana State  Board of Health established the first State Board of Health Diagnostic Bacteriological Laboratory in the United States. Louisiana became the first state to create a bacteriological laboratory on April 15, 1894 under the direction of Dr. Paul E. Archinard. The bacteriological laboratory was located in the City Hall Annex building which then stood at…

1890 – First pasteurizer

Bitter reported that by heating milk for 30 minutes at 154° F. the process was sufficient to thoroughly pasteurize the milk. He built first pasteurizer with spiral coil. The primary way to make sure of the safety of milk was through pasteurization, a process Pasteur invented in the 1860s, although not used to purify milk until…

1890 – Koch discovered tuberculin

In 1890, Koch returned to his work on tuberculosis. He sought to arrest the disease by means of a preparation, which he called tuberculin, made from cultures of tubercle bacilli. He made two preparations of this kind called the old and the new tuberculin respectively, and his first communication on the old tuberculin aroused considerable…